Low tolerance for B.S. Do not believe the official story of 9/11 or JFK Assassination. Looking forward to the Best That is Yet to Come.
Could this possibly be what helps unite us?
yes. nonaligned and left apparently also dont like what cabal financiers ar edoing. basically financially raiding good companies. akin to soros devaluing malaysian baht and british sterling in that past. it isnt capitalism. its predatory crony corporatism. and like with socmed and speech they dont like, they ar eall lining up and yellen and biden are down with them. gee today looks like 30 days...
https://rumble.com/embed/va1u1p/?pub=ffxop https://wego.social/Patriot999 https://youtu.be/gPZNQpPTah0
Ah ch!t, only if everyone can see through big tech, big gov't, banks...et.. We all wouldn't have the problems we have today.