Conspiracy is not just a theory when you have the facts! I've been gathering evidence for over 45 yrs. Built my first computer from scratch.
God's creation proclaims itself for everyone to see. The science tells the truth when you're in any way really scientific. something most science lately seems to lack. Yes, you start with a hypothesis but then proceed to experimentation to prove/disprove your hypothesis. If you can prove it with actual reproducable results all is good. If it doesn't then you go back and revise your hypothesis. Something called scientific method. We have a problem that much of this so called science goes from hypothesis to acting like it's set in stone. Theorys are just that, theorys. The real nature of our world is right there in front of us giving subtle and not so subtle clues. When we stop letting their "science" get in the way, the rest comes much easier. Just saying.
Simple observation tells me why Darwin's theory is still a theory. (Bunk Science based on yes a theory only.) If someone wanted to get God out of the picture, How do you go about it? Discredit creation, of us and of the firmament.
🇺🇸I ❤️God, Family and America🇺🇸 Been lurking and learning since 2016, first Q drop, and CBTS. 🙏 Psalm 23 🙏 #GodWins #LoveTrump
God is Truly Amazing!