(...)"Whom ever is navigating these storms and waters with us, we are aboard, and on deck, because alas~ WWG1WGA" ~R
I'm a Patriot. I want my sons and grandchildren to grow up in a FREE country. #MAGA #SAVEOURCHILDREN #GODWINS
I hear she is actually a he.
Family is Everything. Remembering David Dorn & Veronica Wolski. #WWG1WGA
devil's salute and kill all Christian's tongue
Truth Seeker, friend, sister, daughter. Loyalty is vital. Law and Order. Nice until pushed too far. WWG1WGA #FreeddomJusticeTheAMERICANWay
This picture reminds me of the Thanksgiving episode that Brad Pitt was on where he and Ross started a rumor that Rachel had a teeny weenie…..things that make you go hmmmm…