i don't mean to harp on this TraderGate stuff so much but im interested cuz this is what i do. the whole situation is just so fascinating to me. the leaders of this pack of bad mofos knew exactly what they were about to do and the affect it would have (just like the hedgers know & do everyday). if you're not a lazy day trader you take hours upon hours researching all kinds of indicators. but the most important indicator most do not do their dd on is how many shares are shorted amd how
much hype is being thrown around.... continued 👇

most lose their asses cuz they get in on a heavily shorted stock. these geniuses targeted the shorted stock but in numbers. just fucking beautiful in its simplisity. ive made a nice life for my family by avoiding those shorted situations but these wild animals gave these hedgers just the opposite. im picturing those 2 old rich assholes sleeping under news papers from trading places 🤣🤣🤣🤣 Demons will be demons i guess but they forgot one important thing... THE GREAT AWAKENING- 🔥💥👊💥🔥
what an incredible time to be alive