Am I the only one afraid to go to the emergency room for ANYTHING because I believe the communist Drs and/or nurses will shoot me up with their poison no matter what I say. I think they'd even do it secretly by saying it was something else they're giving me... Am I being ridiculous for feeling this way? Am I the only one who thinks these commies will go to any lengths to poison us all??!#wwg1wga#MAGA#Trump#STOPTHESTEAL#QANON#Plandemic#covid#CommieDoctors

#Patriot #WWG1WGA #Anon #MAGA #Trump train #Trust the plan
You're not crazy. I don't trust any institution whatsoever any longer.

ULTRA MAGA Patriot, God Wins- Be patient...
same here and these people seem to have no conscience... they couldn't care less about what happens to us...

ULTRA MAGA Patriot, God Wins- Be patient...
These Drs and nurses have to KNOW what this poison is doing to people but the keep poisoning them...and even worse, they push people to get it, especially those who aren't sure if they want it. But to me the very worst are those who poison pregnant or breast feeding women, KNOWING those newborn babies are going to die. It makes me sick!