Journalist. Mom to a vaccine-injured son. Waking up. Learning. Holding the light. Grateful for the truth-tellers.
Mayo Clinic-Trained Pathologist Tells RFK, Jr.: Early Treatment Is Key to Fighting Delta Variant • Children's Health Defense
Dr. Ryan Cole told RFK Jr., on “The Defender Podcast,” that viruses aren’t politically red or blue and the key to fighting the Delta variant is to test and treat early using a multi-drug approach.
Truth speaking requires strength and discernment. You've lost your edge when name calling and insults enter the conversation.
If the tests can't differentiate between covid and influenza A and B and it seems NO ONE has a sample of the covid virus, how do the know it's Delta variant?
Journalist. Mom to a vaccine-injured son. Waking up. Learning. Holding the light. Grateful for the truth-tellers.
Good question... Seems to me like the same symptoms as the regular virus. If it wasn't for the docs who I admire saying this virus is real with dangerous symptoms, and feels like a bioweapon when they get it, I wouldn't even believe it. So I want to be prepared with treatments on hand just in case. And keep my immune system healthy.
Truth speaking requires strength and discernment. You've lost your edge when name calling and insults enter the conversation.
It's smart of you to prepare for any flu that may be out there with safe treatments. I guess I've lost faith in most doctors at this point. There are a few that have stood up and revealed the dangers of the vaccine and the questionable vehemence of Covid compared to other flus. If you look at statistics of the wide variety of flu that we have dealt with over the years and covid, it seems covid is not only prevalent but seems to have killed all the other flus? Makes a person think there may be a bit of exaggeration going on....just a little.
All true... Something interesting (and not in a good way) that I am hearing about from freedom fighting doctors is that if someone gets the vax, and then gets a regular cold/flu, that person can then become a carrier of a highly contagious mutating superbug (because of the vax), which is why we could be seeing the unjabbed getting sick.