We have come such a long way Patriots. So many have joined the fight from all over the world. God has chosen us for this time, He gives His toughest soldiers the hardest battles. You are still here fighting. No matter what has been thrown at you, no matter how many times you have fallen, you have risen to fight on. I am so proud of all my brothers and sisters worldwide. The good that resides inside you, it is the air you breathe and nothing can ever crush it. They may kill our bodies, but our spirits will live on forever and we become more powerful together to fight this evil. The Australian government has just passed a law that enables 'law enforcement' to spy and or take over control of social media accounts, so as I will probably be classified as a "Dissident" I may no longer have access to any social media platforms (even using a VPN apparently)?? I just wanted to let you all know how much I respect and admire each and every one of you and to keep fighting (because I know I will).
Mom, Granny, # Christian and #RedPilled for years . #GodBlessPresidentTrump #TheBestIsYetToCome