11:11 Think for self Do own research 2A SaveTheChildren Love Light Peace Tesla 369. Also on GAB.com and Telegram
WTH is that? Where is that. Those things need to be brought down as quickly as they are put up 😳
11:11 Think for self Do own research 2A SaveTheChildren Love Light Peace Tesla 369. Also on GAB.com and Telegram
New South Wales, Australia. Installed to monitor lockdown
Mom, Granny, # Christian and #RedPilled for years . #GodBlessPresidentTrump #TheBestIsYetToCome
Gosh , thats the sort of thing I imagine in China or N Korea. Its terrible what is happening there . I have some family in NSW and in Perth, but Perth doesnt seem to be as effected so far. I suppose they are doing one section at a time so everyones doesnt rise up together .