"It is not a color we are fighting, it is pure evil, which has no color, yet, can cause a person, to see red." -Sal
“Yes, it’s really quite disturbing that someone of Dr. McCullough’s stature is attacked,” Dr. Hodkinson told RAIR. “Dr. McCullough is basically the top dog internationally in all this,” he continued. “For his institution to be attacking him is despicable. He’s a renowned cardiologist in his own right with a huge publication list…editor of numerous journals…” Hodkinson said, emphasizing that Dr. McCullough “has not done anything wrong at all.”
Dr. Hodkinson Slams Covid PsyOps: 'Reputations will be Slaughtered - Pack of Lies From Start to Finish' (Video) - RAIR
"And this horrible moment in medical history will be remembered by the general public, when the truth comes out, the books are written."