God1st PrayerWarrior Healer of bodies & souls
What I find astonishing is the fact that the c@bal **still** believes that it can pull this off. 🤣😂🤣

God1st PrayerWarrior Healer of bodies & souls
What I find astonishing is the fact that the c@bal **still** believes that it can pull this off. 🤣😂🤣

I'm more concerned about the random followers who don't like any tweets and just start following you. They have no information in their profiles, no content, they haven't had any posts or liked anything... Suddenly they're coming out of the woodwork since last night. Look out Patriots. Block party. Something's up.

Follower of Christ, wife, mom, sis, daughter, niece, aunt, grt aunt, cuz, friend. Believer in miracles, child of God. Life verse: Rom. 8:28
check it out, SS - from#4VKM❣️🥰

Does anyone have recommendations for buying silver online?

Haters gonna hate... they sound like narcissistic bullies that can only feel better by putting others down.. WWG1WGA

🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸We have just witnessed the greatest theft in the history of Not only our country but the Globe...the truth will prevail 🇺🇸🙏
https://t.me/realjohnfkennedy/253...SANTA PLEASE WATCH...HE IS ALIVE🙏🙏🙏
Only followers of this user (@LolaMoon) can see their posts

Over 60, MAGA Patriot, Military Veteran, Trump Is My President, Family NOT Awake, Byden didn't Win, #WWG1WGA, QAnon, Love Animals, Christian
Major General Paul Vallely confirms Q-OP!
How many more Generals need to confirm the Operation known as Q? Have you done your research? Do you know where this group called Q spawned from before they became so widely embraced? Is there any won
https://t.me/Q_jfkjr. dropping bombshells

"I am in favor of those who are ready for the future." Abraham Lincoln
The voice of truth!
2021 A president who leaves and remains a president!
This is the sweet reality.
D. J. Trump is still the President of the United States of America !!
Oh, you probably want proof?
Save this post, we'll talk later and in the meantime😷

Trained to Kill, Born to Save! Riding Shotgun with The Don while we smoke out the rats!

where would one go to buy silver?

Believer of Jesus Christ! Speaking and seeking truth! Jesus is Lord!!

Just a mom who loves my family, art, cosplay, music, rave culture, God, food and my country

Background in Defense Aerospace. In times of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act. All for God and Country.

I work in the financial sector.
For my safety that is all I can divulge.

🛫WhistleBlowers🛩 All content: "Fair Use" USC Title 17 Cpt 1 Sec 107 https://www.govregs.com/uscode/title17_chapter1_section107

Glad to see the millenials finally do something productive LOL LOVE

the wealth of the sinner is laid up for the righteous.
for it is the LORD that giveth thee power to get weath.
the lord in empowering, giving the ability ,smarts,
ingenuity to his people to take the wealth back from the evil ones .
it goes into the tresury of the lord.
remember anons ,we his children are his treasure.

Mom of 3 boys,Wifey of 21yrs🐸Patriot, WWG1WGA, Supports freedom will fight for our country. I will never back down. Peer support specialist
thought you may enjoy this@santasurfing

Q follower Arizona #KAG Patriot who loves God and Country #MAGA Trump/JFKJr 2020 #SaveTheChildren Evil Won't Survive in 5D
Q2Infinity 5D Earth
On January 25th, under the cover of darkness, children were removed from the White House. For the doubters, EXPLAIN THIS!!!
"An error doesn't become a mistake until you refuse to correct it" JFK

Just a mom who loves my family, art, cosplay, music, rave culture, God, food and my country

Just a mom who loves my family, art, cosplay, music, rave culture, God, food and my country
ugh those bots and trolls are annoying, its like twitter wasnt enough for them

adrenachrome. https://www.bitchute.com/video/aSiIzeliXdit/

warning, very upsetting vidio on adrenachrome. https://www.bitchute.com/video/aSiIzeliXdit/

Much love and appreciation for all that you do!
I only have one suggestion if you don't mind
When you refer to your Secret Anon on Telegram, would you consider saying Secret Santa instead? 🤫🎅🏻
For some reason this triggers my OCD 🐿

I believe God created man in all colors. Because God loves 🌈 Rainbows. We are all equal under our Lord God. Patriots live in God's house.