Kids in NSW, Australia today, 3 collapsed - apparently 2 are in a coma.
The asshole health minister telling kids they need this jab to 'safely' sit their exams for year 12.
NO PARENTS were allowed in the center.
Kids were bused there from schools with a POLICE ESCORT on the bus (according to letters from schools that parents have shared), kids over 16 DONT NEED parents permission.
When is this nightmare going to fucking end?!
I was FlyAnon on Twitter and Gab... Supports Trump, Transparency, Q, Rule of Law and Disclosure of Crime in Government.
Maybe some of us need to exercise the 2nd Amendment?
They took their guns away...Australia.
yep false flag shooting (poor guy is kept drugged up in jail) and guns handed in in the 90's - everyone fell for it!
pitchfork and knives work very well ask the Muslims in Europe