PATRIOT, TRUMP SUPPORTER, Mom and healer working for a better world. Leave the world a better place than we found it.

In response Lydia Fahsholtz to her Publication

Yikes. Sad but probably true. They get more out of killing for their selfish needs rather than using medbeds. Everything they do to “help” you is only designed to help the deepstate.

I know you are talking about DNA profiling. however, it makes me think of organ donating and blood donating. You think you are helping you fellow brother and sister when in fact you helping the greedy deepstate.

My father is in the hospital right now getting a blood transfusion. There are many things running through my head. We are trained to see Red Cross as this savior but I cannot.

I wonder if the nurses and doctors ever think of where the blood comes from. I wonder how much testing they do on it or if it was given voluntarily or forced. They will not take blood from a family member. i am adopted. i wouldnt be able to do it anyway. Very interesting though.

Once you are awake, you do question everything!

In response Rochelle Freeland to her Publication

There is such a thing as “directed donor” which is blood donated by a family member or yourself if it’s known in advance you will need a transfusion for a scheduled procedure. I am not a fan of Red Cross by no means but they do testing on donors such as HIV, Hepatitis and a few others.

PATRIOT, TRUMP SUPPORTER, Mom and healer working for a better world. Leave the world a better place than we found it.

In response Shay Ray Trump Chump to her Publication

thank you. yes i did read that. unfortunately it was not planned. i just found out this afternoon he has colon cancer. They are going to do emergency surgery once they get the rest of the test back.

i will not have him do chemo or radiation. i will bring him home a juice and what i know works. my ex had cancer and was given 2 months. that was 9 years ago. He is still kicking.

i will not buy into the evil agenda. i just have to convince my father not too!

it is a double edge sword being awake!

In response Rochelle Freeland to her Publication

sending prayers!! you are doing the right thing! keep me updated when you have time... I’m interested in how it goes. i hope you dont mind sharing the journey... play the healing music too if you can 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

PATRIOT, TRUMP SUPPORTER, Mom and healer working for a better world. Leave the world a better place than we found it.

In response Shay Ray Trump Chump to her Publication

so far so good. My brother wanted him to do traditional treatment. my father would not do well. the surgeon agreed to letting me juice for 8 weeks and revisiting it. Even if he has surgery, this will lessen the chance if him having issues and hopefully from having a poo bag. Also poison therapy. he is a lot weaker than the last time. however, he started his juicing and he ate fairly large dinner. his body temperature is 98.4. it wa 96.8 before the transfusion. baby steps.

In response Rochelle Freeland to her Publication

That sounds good!! I know how hard it is to go against those who believe in traditional medicine, but i do think you’re doing the right thing. At least he will have more quality of life. Does he take Vit D3? Do you have an alternative doctor in your area?

Thanks for sharing!

Our dear Heavenly Father,
Please surround Rochelle’s father with your comfort and lay your Healing hands upon his body. You are the Almighty Healer and Physician. We also ask you to guide Rochelle in her wisdom and caring of her father and provide her strength through this journey. We ask these and all things in Your name, Amen!

PATRIOT, TRUMP SUPPORTER, Mom and healer working for a better world. Leave the world a better place than we found it.

In response Shay Ray Trump Chump to her Publication

thank you for your prayers. yes he has been taking ALL of that. i gad to be very careful because he Was on warfarin. warfarin messes your whole system up. he has afib and it can cause him to go bonkers when you inr is not stabilized. it basically prevents you from eating vitamin K and all the good foods that fight cancer.

he has the best doctor, me! it is no mistake. this is my life path i am sold on it. i will have him stable in 2 weeks. Cancer lesion reduced by 50 %. within a month it will be gone. as long as he does everything.

cancer is a fungus. balance your ph and drink fresh raw juices mainly greens, you will be fine. there are several protocols to try. people need to make life style changes or it will never go away or if it does come back. baking soda and maple syrup kills fingus, cancer, polyps, yeast and more. i know. i removed well over 300 colon polyps and a tumor 8 inches. with 12 inches of colon tissue on my own no doctor. i did a lot more to achi

In response Rochelle Freeland to her Publication

yes! you are on point! it’s great to chat with those who have like minds. I knew a lady that cured her melanoma with juicing. Love it!

PATRIOT, TRUMP SUPPORTER, Mom and healer working for a better world. Leave the world a better place than we found it.

In response Shay Ray Trump Chump to her Publication

Absolutely. people just need to know there are other safe options. it certainly cannot hurt to try. i told my father’s surgeon, i am not ruling out surgery. i am just trying to make him strong enough to last the surgery and hopefully be able to perform regular surgery with no loss of regular bowel function. if it shows a remarkable improvement, he will not need it. what people need to understand that life style changes need to be permanent to keep restored health. my father is doing very well today. 😀 every day he is doing stronger. i am 100 % sold his medication made him as weak as he is. he was . people need to really stay off prescription drugs at all cost!!!

In response Rochelle Freeland to her Publication

so good to hear he’s getting better! God will bless you for caring and attending to your father. I have not been a fan of pharmaceutical drugs for many years and always tried to wake people up about alternative medicine/therapies. So many are brainwashed to believe traditional medicine will cure you but they only treat symptoms and dont get to the root of the problem. Thanks for sharing!

PATRIOT, TRUMP SUPPORTER, Mom and healer working for a better world. Leave the world a better place than we found it.

In response Shay Ray Trump Chump to her Publication

you are welcome and TY for your input. All we can do is lead by example and share information. It is not easy but it is possible! God Bless.

In response Rochelle Freeland to her Publication

Hi... just checking up on your father and’s it going?

PATRIOT, TRUMP SUPPORTER, Mom and healer working for a better world. Leave the world a better place than we found it.

In response Shay Ray Trump Chump to her Publication

thank you. they recommended he gets hospice care. it kind of threw me for a loop. i guess we will see if juicing and the natural treatments work. it is all in God’s hands at this point. It is disheartening that people are not educated enough to realize there are other options out there. people are just sent the farm to wait their deaths out without question.

I was able to talk at great length to the fill in Dr. not NP and she gave me a lot of helpful information with treating my father’s water retention to break the cycle. She agreed and ordered iron iv treatment . She told me what she would do if it were here father. i respected that. I agree with her on the no surgery, however, not on hospice. i will try to shrink the mass with baking soda and maple syrup. i just need to do it longer instead of quicker. we may have to do it several times. My father was robbed treatment for years. if i can give him back half those years and some type of normalcy i am going to. ...

PATRIOT, TRUMP SUPPORTER, Mom and healer working for a better world. Leave the world a better place than we found it.

In response Rochelle Freeland to her Publication

It all depends on his organs and his willingness to fight like never before. They put labels on you. This whole time he thought he weak do to Muscular Dystrophy. other than his legs getting smaller(he is a huge horse) and foot dropsy, he really does not have MD symptoms. The PT said he wouldnt be able to do 2 of his exercises if it was his MD causing the leg weakness. It is the loss of blood and heart valve issues. you are suppose to die when you lose 40 % of your blood. he lost 50 %. i guess he showed them. lol

my father and i are going to get on an exercise routine, keep up with our juicing routine and move forward with our regular summer gardening. yesterday he helped me transplant all my plant i grew from seed in water jugs.

today he will attempt to mow the lawn. the hardest part is getting him on the lawn mower. trust me it is a work out. other than the walking, he is strong as an ox. it has to to be the anemia causing the weakness.

As long as i do not give

PATRIOT, TRUMP SUPPORTER, Mom and healer working for a better world. Leave the world a better place than we found it.

In response Rochelle Freeland to her Publication

up he will not give up. He was just fed a bunch of 💩 and excepted as his truth. Like all the sheeple have. Time to turn that around. i hope people will find the strength to start thinking for themselves and start taking action to undo what has been done to them, us and our children(all children).

i will keep you posted. i am canceling the surgeon’s appt for the time being. i am going to reschedule everything for 5 months out. Get a new CT with contrast and go from there. We will take it day by day. week by week.

Thank you for checking in! 🤗 God bless.

In response Rochelle Freeland to her Publication

I’ve read about and watched a video about chlorine dioxide. Maybe, something to check into... i know you are very busy doing all you can. 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

PATRIOT, TRUMP SUPPORTER, Mom and healer working for a better world. Leave the world a better place than we found it.

In response Shay Ray Trump Chump to her Publication

good news. I could figure out what i was missing and why the doctors wanted to put my father in hospice. upon research his signs are showing near death. Until i took control. i am limited in his fluids so i am making the most out of the 5 cups he can have. i realized when he came home he was not urinating very much. he wasnt drinking either because of the peeing 5 minutes .

He is juicing 2 cups fruit with the fiber (vitamix) and he is juicing 2 cups of veggies with fiber. my cousin had this old fashioned chair scale he picked up from work. He has lost 10 lbs of fluid 3 days. he went to peeing maybe a cup and a half to just over 5! all his vitals are consistent and better than they have ever been. i just need to get his temp up. every 3 days it goes back up. so that is a good sign. i told him be escaped deaths grip. Anything can happen at anytime but i think be is doing great.

In response Rochelle Freeland to her Publication

That is awesome!!HE’s lucky to have you taking control. It’s sthat so many people dont have anyone to advocate for them. Your typical traditional doctors never get to the root of the problem and just tell patients thats all we can do for you and sign them up for hospice. 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

PATRIOT, TRUMP SUPPORTER, Mom and healer working for a better world. Leave the world a better place than we found it.

In response Shay Ray Trump Chump to her Publication

Exactly. i hope this is a wake up call to my father and everyone reading this. i cannot promise he will not drop dead in a month or 2 or years, at least i am trying. as long as he keeps trying i will be there for him.

In response Rochelle Freeland to her Publication

Hi.... checking in on your father. Also, how are you holding up?

PATRIOT, TRUMP SUPPORTER, Mom and healer working for a better world. Leave the world a better place than we found it.

In response Shay Ray Trump Chump to her Publication

thank you for thinking of us! he is doing great! he is walking with his walker for exercise. he is outside doing the garden with me and mowing! he doubled his iron in 3 weeks. doctor could not be any happier. no tumor or cancer markers. which goes to show you need to think for yourself.

i am able to get things done now and he is ready to sleep in his bed! lol after i finish painting!

In response Rochelle Freeland to her Publication

Awesome!!! This is great news! You have done great work with him and i know your heart is full!! 🙏🏻

PATRIOT, TRUMP SUPPORTER, Mom and healer working for a better world. Leave the world a better place than we found it.

In response Shay Ray Trump Chump to her Publication

i tell ya he is a fighter. i was thinking my arms are killing be from gardening today. he did all the hoeing! 🤣😂😂 i just hope he will make a lot of changes in his heart after this. in the mean time i am going keep my eyes on God!

In response Rochelle Freeland to her Publication

Hi Rochelle, how is your Dad? I’m sorry I haven’t checked in sooner! Thinking of you both! 🙏🏻

PATRIOT, TRUMP SUPPORTER, Mom and healer working for a better world. Leave the world a better place than we found it.

In response Shay Ray Trump Chump to her Publication

My father’s PET scan came back. he does have cancer. however, nothing has changed. he does not want surgery. he wants to do my regimen. we have a follow up on monday in the office. i am going to go with Colonoscopy after the 24th. this will give him time to do the treatment. hopefully it will shrink enough that they can just scrap it out completely or that it is completely healed. i know it works. i am going to do it with him. except he will be getting smaller doses. i have to be careful of his kidneys.

i will keep you posted.

In response Rochelle Freeland to her Publication

Thx for the update! You both have been in my thoughts and prayers. Thank God he has you! 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

PATRIOT, TRUMP SUPPORTER, Mom and healer working for a better world. Leave the world a better place than we found it.

In response Shay Ray Trump Chump to her Publication

My father is home now. He has blood clots. He has several in lungs. They put him on blood thinners. i am finding a lot of information out. The treating physician while he was in ER was awesome as well as the RN. today was hell getting him out. they were more concerned about liability than my father’s health and well being. i pissed off another nurse and had another security guard called up. 😂🤣🤣 these people are possessed! if they did their job correctly there would be no problems.

I will never back down and i will always advocate for people. if people do not like it, too damn bad! i am suing this hospital for every visit my father had there. it was not a coincidence he received all these test . it is my evidence i have been right all along.

He came home, when he got out of his truck he did it with ease. when he used his bathroom he did it with ease. when he got into his chair he did it with ease. He has no clue how much better he is doing.

In response Rochelle Freeland to her Publication

I am so proud of you!!!! So many people don’t have advocates like you. I was an advocate for someone close to me over the last year and had I not been, I’m convinced the outcome would have been so much worse. Also, the general public doesn’t have the knowledge or experience to help their loved ones through illnesses such as what your father is having. They give in to the medical establishment. God gives us our gut feelings to help us discern. Thank you for standing firm and pushing through like you have!! Trust me, some doctors and nurses don’t like those that call out discrepancies or wrong diagnoses and even improper treatment paths. I pray for God to continue to provide you with strength and courage!! May God also continue to bless you for all you do!! May God also lay His healing hands upon your father! Thanks for the update! 🙏🏻

PATRIOT, TRUMP SUPPORTER, Mom and healer working for a better world. Leave the world a better place than we found it.

In response Shay Ray Trump Chump to her Publication

thank you for your kind words and support. it does help 🤗 unfortunately we are in the main hospital now because the blood thinners caused him to bleed out. however, i feel this is where he needs to be.

they are going to put a filter in to stop the blood clots. possibly. we are still waiting to talk to the dr. they are admitting him and going from
there. God told me it was going to go quick. he was right! he didnt say he was going quick. he said things are going to go quick.

hopefully we can find something that works.

In response Rochelle Freeland to her Publication

I pray for the medical team caring for your father to have the knowledge, experience and wisdom to provide proper treatment for his condition. Hang in there! 🙏🏻

ty again. he is the best cancer facility in the area. he loves his new suite! He is in good hands and i am at peace. i talked with the nurse this morning.i gave her a lot of valuable information that will help the process and the discharge. however, i am sure he will be there for a few days because they have to figure out things. i know for a fact he has to be off blood thinners for 5 days from
his last dose. his int needs to be at a certain level and they have to figure out a plan for after surgery for blood clots.

In response Shay Ray Trump Chump to her Publication

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PATRIOT, TRUMP SUPPORTER, Mom and healer working for a better world. Leave the world a better place than we found it.

In response Rochelle Freeland to her Publication

i know this is right. IF he doesnt make it i know it was meant to be. this is not living. in the meantime i will fast and pray! i brought him this far with God’s help. or maybe the other say around i should say!

God bless and thank you so much! it does mean a lot to me!