I think this is my first post!
I need some advice! Last year, we pulled our 13 year old daughter from public school and enrolled her into our small christian school connected to our church. I am an employee from the same school district working with special ed students. I love my job! I have always believed that the kids should have been in school 5 days a week. My daughter is hearing impaired and I got sick of her laying around all day on a virtual education platform. At the same time, I went to work everyday and worked with any kid that would walk into our school. Some Special needs kids came in a little bit and kids without internet. A lot of people stayed home. Anyway, our school district has decided to require masks again.🙄. My daughter’s Christian school all voted to wear masks. At church this morning, I saw the principal and I have a 9 am appointment with her tomorrow. After church today, we stayed and helped move furniture and clean as we just built an addition on.
This is part 2 of my first post as it wouldnt let me post evrything. Hope u saw the first one.
Anyway, while we were moving, only one teacher was wearing a mask. There were hundresd of people there! Every teacher that voted to wear a mask should have beem wearing one today!!!! Where are people’s critical thinking skills???