General Flynn Telegram - 12:06 pm Eastern...
Furthermore...if you are unable to consent due to trauma, then a relative or other person must sign consent for you...
You must sign a "Consent for Medical Treatment, Disclosures & Waivers" as well.
Oh, & when having surgery or any kind of anesthesia for a procedure, the anesthesiologist must have you sign their consent as well. He/she must explain ALL risks involved with anesthesia. You the RIGHT to refuse anything you are not comfortable with, that includes blood transfusions. You can even have your own blood transfused if you wish. Educate yourselves, ask lots of questions, READ the consents, ask what meds they r using, how will this affect me etc...
"The Verdict", good movie of medical malpractice with Paul Newman, the lawyer, discovers patient went in for surgery, told the nurse she ate 1 hour prior to surgery & you should not eat at least 12 hours prior, but nurse was threatened to change the 1 to a 9 as the surgeon had a golf date & was in a hurry.