We need an unplanned "Spring Break" !!!
plan 1 week, everyone keep children home, make demands, game over!
Either pull your kids out, or take back your power and show them who is boss! Stop the state sponsored child abuse.
We hold these truths to be self evident, all men are created equal, endowed by their creator with rights to life, liberty and happiness.
Everyone needs to know that these surveys happen in EVERY state, in every school district. I always told my students to check the option "I don't know" if there were questions they were not comfortable in answering (because it's none of anyone's business). Last year, the school admin told us to stop telling kids "IDK" is an option, kids had to answer Y/N. Some of the questions:
"There are weapons in my home?"
"I feel scared at home sometimes?"
"I don't have a safe place at home?"
"I feel loved at home?"
"I feel depressed?"
"I often wake up angry?"
"I wish I had someone to talk to about my problems?" Y/N, etc, etc, etc.
You can guess who that "Someone" was. The school councilor, who determines if the child needs medication perhaps, or is in a safe environment free from mom/dad. Either way, that child is marked.
As a teacher and parent it infuriated me that kids were put in this situation. I am no longer a teacher. The BEST thing you can do is GET YOUR KIDS OUT OF SCHOOL
Worked for a psychologist in the 1970’s doing IQ, neurological and aptitude testing of children in order to categorize them for treatments. When I learned it marked the kids and their parents and led to unwarranted therapy, psychoactive drugs, and ADHD diagnoses I was disgusted and quit. This has been going on for decades. It’s lucrative and damaging to families and the children.
We hold these truths to be self evident, all men are created equal, endowed by their creator with rights to life, liberty and happiness.
"Marked" is right. Unwanted therapies, unneeded med's, and undesirable labels. BUT......BUT.......BUT............ we call them classrooms. Actually what all schools are is experimentation and training camps. They've gotten away with it for decades and sadly, we just don't have enough parents willing to stop it. Classrooms are babysitters.