Remove the mask when you approach me//Truth will prevail//Community Standard repeat offender
I have heard the same story for the last 10 YEARS: flu season=vaccine=super asymptomatic spread if no vaccine. NURSES WHO GOT THE FLU SHOT ALWAYS CAME TO WORK SICK, COUGHING, FEVERING, BUT ALWAYS SAID "IM GOOD, I'VE HAVE MY FLU SHOT!! FFS". Our bodies encapsulate germs = viruses. YOU CANNOT CATCH A VIRUS, only germs. WHY DO DRS TELL YOU THEY CANNOT TREAT A VIRUS????? THINK THINK THINK....HAVE SOME COMMON SENSE. And another thing: Why does the cdc not recommend and discourage Ivermectin when other countries are having great success??? IT'S AN ANTI - PARASITIC, if they cannot isolate the patented cv virus, its maybe because it's A PARASITE???? Front-line workers and families etc are being traumatized to the max, but ask yourself why??? Why are we not trying to use drugs that have success in other places??? Don't let the system make you hateful and divided just because other people want to find the truth, you must ask yourself what is wrong with this picture?