Totally makes the whole thing sound fake. First of all the term Qanon is a term used by the left. It is not even a real thing. That HBO special proved how fake it was. Real conservatives who voted for Trump never attached themselves to the term Qanon. It is a fake title . That's why I think the story is all bullshit . Or a child sacrifice by the bad guys. The EBS sent out a coded message about a child sacrifice just after that incident , I saw it posted the other day , it was an image of the message that appeared on a computer screen by the EBS . Strange stuff.

Ego should have no place, in the heart of man! Numquam Cedere -Never Surrender ***5 Year Active Duty Veteran- Operation Desert Fox.
I agree with you on this. It is bull crap. There was more to the EBS than we may know.
A parry move in fencing, is a movement intended to evoke a response from the opponent to see how they will react. The next move will be a different move, even though the opponent will react the same as the initial reaction (most times). The test was to set a chain of reactions and standby and watch how the others reacted. Once the elites think the coast is clear, business as usual and bam, dead to rights in what they are doing. Just my opinion of course.

oh yes - I believe its all fake. i only think of how mich more my family will freak if they see this story… 😏