Be always yourself, because there are others already enough!
What might this future look like? The majority of people follow narratives that are not questioned, because they think in their arrogance to understand everything already quite exactly and to consider objectively. In particular, their religious doctrine, sanctioned some 15 centuries ago by those who are now understood to be the Deep State, is at the forefront. The churches behind it have since evolved into the largest brainwashing organization ever seen on earth.
"Who follow the beast" is a central paradigm of religion. At present, solely one animal is collectively followed in this world, the noble aar. An Aar is a carrion-eating bird, which is called "Adler" in German, "Eagle" in English. I don't want to construct a story out of this, neither for one side nor against the other. It's only about the fact that you are not even aware of what you are trying to transport into the future. You bring in fact your own Trojan horse, so that everything evil can begin from the beginning.