I follow back all Patriots. Expose the truth! Question everything. I trust God and God's plan. #JesusIsMySavior

If they stand behind you protect them. If they stand beside you respect them. If [they] stand against you, show no mercy!
old energies do not die, for energy never dies. it transforms

Jesus Christ is Salvation God bless our President, John-John, Gen Flynn our Military SAVE OUR CHILDREN Gratitude for our HEROES OF HUMANITY
Lock them in the Abyss May the earth be purged of the wicked in any, way shape or form, including their symbolism FOREVER Amen

If they stand behind you protect them. If they stand beside you respect them. If [they] stand against you, show no mercy!
yes they will be wiped from the earth. but certain symbols will not be. some of them in its ancient origin mean life and eternity, all things love. they have just been perverted. the spell is being reversed. their symbolism no longer has power like it used to.

Jesus Christ is Salvation God bless our President, John-John, Gen Flynn our Military SAVE OUR CHILDREN Gratitude for our HEROES OF HUMANITY
I can't wait to learn everything else God will show us.. The technology time-travel etc is hard to phathom but then again we made the concept of time God and angels are on a different relm

Christian blogsite that examines all things from a biblical perspective https://contendersedge.blogspot.com/
It was God who created our time-frame when He created the world; hence six days of creation and a seventh day rest; the origins of the seven day week.
But nevertheless He is outside of time and living in all times present; something that we can never comprehend because we only live in the present, yet in God's eyes, the past, present, and future all happening simultaneously and therefore, the past, present, and future, to Him, are all the present.

Jesus Christ is Salvation God bless our President, John-John, Gen Flynn our Military SAVE OUR CHILDREN Gratitude for our HEROES OF HUMANITY
Exactly right, very articulate explanation and I constantly ask God for His WISDOM and to lead me in the right direction. Every day I learn more and more and lean on Him. We are blessed to be saved by the blood of Jesus Christ and I hope we are about to be a part of Revelation 20-21 and the 1,000 year rein Regardless of what I think, it is God's Plan and God's timing and it will be perfect Amen!!! ✝️

Christian blogsite that examines all things from a biblical perspective https://contendersedge.blogspot.com/
We will be a part of it, but the darkest hour comes before the dawn.

Jesus Christ is Salvation God bless our President, John-John, Gen Flynn our Military SAVE OUR CHILDREN Gratitude for our HEROES OF HUMANITY
I dread the hard part but with God we are protected

Christian blogsite that examines all things from a biblical perspective https://contendersedge.blogspot.com/
I dread it too, but Christ has promised His followers that they need not see the worst of the darkness. (Rev. 3:10)
I trust in God's WORD and PROMISES and know whatever happens He will give us protection, Death has no power over us, and we will be blessed here in the new world Amen