Regular duff, former business pro. A victim of corrupt judges, Big Tech business, and illegal stock trading. The criminals are many...
It has led to the extortion of literally Trillions of dollars from the small investor and businesses.

He sells cars he hasn't made yet. Takes your money too. how is that different?

I think you need to look deeper into Musk and SpaceX to understand his involvement, and what he has done to help. There are a ton of very interesting drops of info that connect.

Have a look at my post from 15 days ago...I outlined what Musk may have been up to, and how it fits in with timelines and Q posts. I think he played a huge role in taking out the CIA spy and data satelite network.

A cheeky cotton candy on a stick with 16 direct lines to the Mayflower, so yeah, I'm invested.
Dark to light.
Ripping the covers off.