Proud Deplorable, Love my 4 rescue pups, my country and our TRUE President DONALD J TRUMP!! Banner pic of our Pres, I was that close to him!
Such great memories! Those were the days!
Riding bikes all day. Those plastic pools, too little but no one cared. lol
Proud Deplorable, Love my 4 rescue pups, my country and our TRUE President DONALD J TRUMP!! Banner pic of our Pres, I was that close to him!
Yes ma'am and catching lightening bugs, riding bikes or walking to the local convenience store (the old time Mom and Pop shops that sold chocolate bubble gum), walking with grandparents around town until our legs fell off, swimming in the creek, playing in the dirt, going to the candy store at the local fire station....I could go on lol. BEST OF TIMES!
and listening to my mom yell across the neighborhood after dark to get my ass inside because I needed to go to bed for school LOL