The surface area of inhaled nanoparticles favors the formation of free radicals (i.e. superoxide anions or hydroxyl radicals), which drive oxidative stress, an underlying mechanism that promotes inflammatory responses (14, 15). The ratio of surface atoms to total atoms or molecules increases exponentially with decreasing particle size, contributing to the surface reactivity (10). Oberdörster confirmed this by examining a difference in toxicities from nano-sized versus micron-sized titanium dioxide particles of the crystalline type, anatase, when instilled at the same mass dose. The nano-sized particles were more reactive than the micron-sized particles. The data was linearly correlated when the same experiments were performed at the same surface area dose (1)

Has anyone ever noticed how Titanium Dioxide is in a plethora of products?

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Amazon boss Jeff Bezos buys Washington Post for $250m. The boss of Amazon, Jeff Bezos, has agreed to purchase the Washington Post newspaper for $250m (£163m). Mr Bezos is buying the paper and its other print properties in a personal capacity. The Post has been owned by the Graham family for 80 years.

BEIJING, China -- China's biggest steel firm says it will receive its first shipment of scrap metal from the World Trade Center wreckage soon and turn it into steel plates -- not, as some newspaper reports had suggested, souvenirs.
Chinese state newspapers had earlier reported that Shanghai Baosteel Group Corp. planned to turn 50,000 tons of Ground Zero steel into souvenirs -- including models of the twin towers.
The WTC towers dominated the New York skyline before two hijacked passengers slammed into them on September 11, triggering their collapse.