The same people that orchestrated the events of 9/11, put Joe Biden in as our President.
#neverforget that.
"& then we decided to 'pull it'. We made the decision to 'pull' building 7."
Admmited on live tv that building 7 was demolished using controlled demolition. That takes weeks to set up and plan. Just like sections of the twin towers being shutdown for "renovations" This is a smoking gun just like 4 airplanes disappearing into dust with none of the black boxes being recovered. Yet in all of the destruction a piece of paper that layed out the whole "Official" story survived? smoking gun 2.
It also doesn't help that they keep putting the same "Crisis Actors" in front of the cameras of all these false flag events. smoking gun 3.
It is really funny that the only witnesses that saw a "plane" was on the MSM?