"Have courage and be kind." I love God & all His creation, history, and holistic living. Live with purpose. Let's see what Jesus unfolds!
Stonewall Jackson
@1776Stonewall (on Gab)
"Scottish actor Michael Mitchell, whom you've seen in such movies as Braveheart and Gladiator, has been a strong proponent of vaccines and masks. This link provides dozens of his social media posts where he's demanding everyone mask up and get vaccinated. He insisted that he felt "Absolutely zero side effects" after receiving both Sinovac injections, and a third Pfizer “booster” shot. . . Fast forward 6 days, and Michael Mitchell is dead! He was 65 years old."
Michael Mitchell: 65-year-old "Braveheart" actor receives both Sinovac injections, then third Pfizer "booster" shot, dead six days later - T..
Mr. Michael Mitchell loved masks and vaccines. His entire virtual existence in 2021 revolved around those two things. He's now dead.
https://thecovidblog.com/2021/08/03/michael-mitchell-65-year-old-braveheart-actor-receives-both-sinovac-injections-then-third-pfizer-booster-shot-dead-six-days-later/karma is real!