Love can build a bridge. Looking for individuals to help with construction. Contact your local We are ready centers to join.
Going to stop this one before it gains traction hopefully.
The Nuremberg Codes
They are a set of ethical questions that were used for a crimes against humanity trial.
They are not longer "relevant"per se to the court. (questioning humanity is always good)
These have been replaced and updated in the Law of War manual. This document will also have any remaining treaties that are still in effect.
So you can read up to date statutes or you can read 50 year old no longer used but pushed to you because of.....Nazi's.
Your Choice.
I love teaching! 30 years-total 11 years privately...then fired 2/2020 for telling the truth about Coronavirus! Thank God for POTUS!!!
Love can build a bridge. Looking for individuals to help with construction. Contact your local We are ready centers to join.
I got too excited and didn't answer you.
Yes the sheep would fit that. What also would apply is that this was done during a time of war to civilians. That is instant death penalty. It creates a lien of reimbursement and a charter of the injured for possible future claims. If someone of power from China is convicted and can show they were following orders than China would be financially responsible for every person and every business that suffered in any way. It would literally cause China to dissolve to pay debts. Yes they can force them to do it and it has been done many times before. The melt down of the reactor in Russia caused the fall of the U.S.S.R.
I love teaching! 30 years-total 11 years privately...then fired 2/2020 for telling the truth about Coronavirus! Thank God for POTUS!!!
I didn't realize what happened with the fall of the USSR. It makes so much more sense than just spending into oblivion for military build up.
The other thought I had way after I wrote the one above is that the "sheep" would be the collateral damage. Those who are programmed to just take the jab regardless of any information they may or may not have heard.
The captive prisoners of war "taking the jab" are those who are arrested and executed.
((())) gave up there and went all in on us.