Navy Veteran, mother, and patriot-Enjoy my afternoon dates with the birds, flowers and the trees-Healthy living keeps Big Pharma away.

I Have No Words! Wow, He Was Choosen For A Reason! God Bless Him, And His Family! We Thank Him For His Service!

Discernment is critical.
GOD BLESS you Sir! What an amazing story!
Only followers of this user (@GodsGraciousGift) can see their posts

Praying for President Donald J Trump & all those souls dedicating themselves to saving the world from those who seek to destroy us.
Praise God that Mike Day survived and returned to his family. Thank God also for all the men and women past and present who have sworn an oath to protect our Constitution from enemies foreign and domestic.
Only followers of this user (@realyestervue) can see their posts

A Vet from a family line of Vets who loves My God, My Family and The United States of America 🇺🇸 and to the Republic for which it stands!
A definition of Bad.....Ass! This was a "Today is not my day" moment!