Are you on the Side that Oppresses or one that Liberates? GESARA: A Free United & Prosperous Humanity: WWG1WGA!
ie The Virus has not been materially ISOLATED as submitted IN COURT.
In other words any fines etc for contrary conduct to mask mandates and lockdowns, social distancing directions, vaccine mandates etc world wide are NULL and VOID?!
Freedom Fighter Court VICTORY! Ends Masking, Shots, Quarantine in Alberta!
WE CAN WIN! Patrick King is a proud father of 2, Freedom Fighter and Patriot who took on the powerful government in Alberta, and WON! We can ALL learn from this, and we MUST battle this in every singl
...Starting in Alberta Canada as of August 16 as The CHMO concedes that COVID is nothing more than the common cold.
Whether TCHMO will disclose how they came to this conclusion is to be seen.
This backflip perhaps was thanks to A FREEDOM FIGHTER PATRICK KING who went to fight his $1200 mask fine where he requested The CHMO to produce the evidence of the virus that has caused the justification for masks and the penalty.
The CHMO submitted to the court that there is NO MATERIAL EVIDENCE of itS EXISTENCE ie it has NEVER BEEN ISOLATED!
Here's one article in The press:
Alberta’s chief medical officer may be left to pay the COVID piper | Canada's National Observer: News & Analysis
For her part, Dr. Deena Hinshaw faces an unpleasant choice: Resign now or risk being made to wear this later if it goes sideways, writes columnist Max Fawcett.
Are you on the Side that Oppresses or one that Liberates? GESARA: A Free United & Prosperous Humanity: WWG1WGA!
The article seems to first state the facts then downplays its significance GLOBALLY... nor does it provide the reasons WHY such a backfip has taken place....
Instead it goes on to praise efforts elsewhere using the status quo: social distancing strategies and vaccine rollout instead of THE FACT that there is NO VIRUS...
"In the early days of the pandemic, Jason Kenney compared COVID-19 to an “influenza.”
Now, it seems, Alberta’s official policy will be to treat it like one. Effective immediately, those who are close contacts of someone testing positive for COVID-19 won’t have to isolate, and contact tracers will no longer tell people if they’ve been exposed to the virus. Come Aug. 16, isolation hotels and other quarantine supports will be discontinued, and the provincial masking mandate for transit, taxis and ride-share vehicles will also lift. Alberta’s so-called “best summer ever” will apparently wrap up with a full return to the pre-COVID normal..."