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Don't fall for those super expensive 30 day food supply crap.
1) While it will last for 50 years you will not need it for that long, not even close. You may not even need a month, I am thinking 10 days to 2 weeks.
2) Some of those meals (most) require water. Water will be at a premium so using it for food isn't a good idea.
3) A lot of those need to be heated to re-hydrate so unless you have a place to heat things with no electricity you are going to have mush.
4) Normal canned goods last for years and can be eaten straight from the can. These are not only cheaper but also contain water which will help you stay hydrated and consume less actual water without ill effects.
5) You can keep a fresh supply of canned goods by just rotating the cans with your normal meals. Remember you can go a long time with no food but only a few days with no water. Have at least half a gallon per person per day.
Save money and be smart.

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It is safer to put your money in cans and pasta than to leave it in the bank!
Here, the reserves are made for us!
While I can not confirm what you are saying I sure can agree with you about it.