Movie: Atlas Shrugged, Part 3 "Who is John Galt."
As the economy collapses and the government takes over everything, patents, can't own more than one business, etc, I pondered the closed door meeting in the movie in which powerful people voted to not move wheat to Minnesota: The sickly must be sacrificed to save the whole.
False flags-removing firearms hasn't worked. So we have George Floyd die, sparking BLM.
How do you lay the groundwork to vilify a certain group of people? How do you reconcile collateral damage from vaccines? "All lives WON'T matter until black lives matter." They know that people will not buy into this line of thinking. The idea in the movie is that people had to sacrifice themselves for the good of all. False flags and BLM suddenly made sense.
The sickly must be sacrificed to save the whole.
In this case, "the whole" are the elite.