it is extremely important that all patriots summarily reject the current authority and standing of all state, local and federal governments enacting anything not specifically authorized in the constitution. you may think you are awake but if you pay tax, wear a mask even for 30 seconds, promote or assist in vaccinations, acquiesce or comply with any tyranny for self preservation, then you are only partially awake.
ask yourself, what would Jesus do? You should do that.
How do you not pay tax?
self employed. stop filing
employment will go away as nobody can have power over another in God's laws but if you are employed, claim max dependents.
You're watching a movie. The Best is Yet to Come! God Bless America! Trump 2Q2Q. #SaveOurChildren #GodWins
i do payroll and the w4 forms changed as of 2020 and you no longer enter dependants its done by design to prevent this
kinda hard not to pay taxes.. everything we purchase is taxed!!!! not everyone can work for themselves. I agree with don't take shot or wear mask. I refused to wear a mask at Procter and gamble yesterday and everyone flipped out.