It was the norm we were conditioned into from birth. As we wake up and realize how hard the system made life, how cruel it was to so many, and in all the ways they were systemically poisoning our minds, bodies, emotions, hearts, and souls, we are set to REJECT the whole God Damned system for the sick evil it was programing us into with spell casting. Many are here already preparing a new way for a new day dawning in an organic world connected to the original organic creative intelligence and universal force of love. If you are supporting technocrats, Artificial Intelligence systems and cyborgs, (transhumanism) you are venturing down a very dark path for yourself. In the organic new earth split, we will work at remembering and using organic telepathy, organic telekinesis, organic and natural teletransportation, bilocation, and will start using true free energy which is all around us in the aether and the jump gates all around the earth for travel again. Nothing can stop what is coming.

Discernment is critical.
interesting ideas, more links in authors comments
Mahalos. I'll check it out.