In January, my husband bullied me into getting the first shot and used my oldest son to do it. I learned about what the vaccine was all about afterwards and began the process of being red pilled. Refused the second shot and was preparing to have to leave my house if I had to because of it. Hard lesson learned about standing my ground and taking responsibility for myself from that point on.
It has been a fast and furious eye opening journey of learning ever since then. Now, I am having a hard time being around people who have not awakened. Friends and family members who have been completely vaccinated are going about their life as if everything is back normal "thanks to the vaccine"! I have quit trying to red pill anyone 'cause they think Im crazy. I know now, it's a choice and lesson of free will. It each persons journey they have to figure out on their own.
I have just become fatigued and weary with it all. Grateful for where I am and still HOLDING THE LINE!!