All of the CEO’s that Stepped Down in 2018... 800 I think it was.
Now why in the Hell would a CEO step Down of a Corporation that is Making Money.. Especially 800 of them in a Short Period of time.
Have you paid attention to the Humantrafficking Arrest that has Happened and is Still Happening
Right there Alone should tell you, if Biden was really President.. then Why are Arrest still be done. since he was a Humantrafficking P.O.S. Himself
Lin Wood getting on Stage and Publicly Naming Names and he is Still Running and Gunning!
Yet most have the Hardest Time Believing Arrest have Happened... Because they can’t see Handcuffs!
It’s Not Blatantly Obvious... Use Logical Thinking and Connect the DOTS.
Military Operation, some Arrest were done Publicly and Nonchalantly..
not to cause a Uproar..
Some were done at Night with Spec Ops.
Just depending on Who they were dealing with
Exactly if Biden was in charge he would shut all of it down and release the ones from Gitmo.