♌️ Tartaria
A trip to the German Empire (1871-1918)
Q is my favorite letter!!!!!! I love my country, I love freedom..and I believe in spreading TRUTH!!!
take a look at these photos from the Chicago worlds fair..they claimed they built all of it FOR THE FAIR...yes that is what they want us to believe and then they said they needed to tear it down afterwards....no more like trying to find an easy way to erase history...there is just so much to Tartaria... tying them to Star Forts, Mud Floods and also Cathedrals that I feel were healing centers before they were stolen and reused by the ones that stole them
1893 Historical Chicago World's Fair Photos for Sale
Call today for access to the most extensive collection of historic Chicago images and old Chicago photographs available anywhere. 312-666-9797.
https://www.chicago-photographs.com/columbian-exposition-1893♥️ Love. Light. Ascending. Starseed. LightWarrior. I AM Presence ॐ ♥️