No more letting these fkrs just keep having ground, what are you gonna do, keep on letting them run you thru a cycle of masonic lawyers and judges, by pass to GITMO> MILITARY TRIBUNAL, and one of the lowest forms of traitors to me, are those who would dare even take the military oath falsely to be a trojan NWO horse within. CLEAN UP THE FKIN ranks, make new laws ffs, shit just fkin ay NO swaying of enemy intent first sign, give them the steel toe ass kick out of there. NO more BS in our ranks, OUR SOLDIERS DESERVE FKN BETTER>
Eating human meat and making hats out of baby skins?
That is just Demonic?
More evil you do the more twisted?

If they make it, it is NOT for our good. ALL research should spring from that in that instance. Like the insider said, they are a death cult. STRAIGHT from hell.

I was FlyAnon on Twitter and Gab... Supports Trump, Transparency, Q, Rule of Law and Disclosure of Crime in Government.
maybe being illuminated is that you are just that... you know the game of the two paths and your awoke being of linage of wakeness passing from dad to pup? So you play for the most points? But sometimes we need to get out of the cycle and be in a higher energy?

EXACTLY and still and have since I was young wanna know what the fk is in MRE's. WHO makes them, WHO has the contracts, what the fk is in them.

I was FlyAnon on Twitter and Gab... Supports Trump, Transparency, Q, Rule of Law and Disclosure of Crime in Government.
hidden shit in the water and consumables? a Bi-polar world we live in that makes you follow a choice?