QPatriots1776 = MAGA PATRIOT that loves AMERICA! LOVE GOD! #WWG1WGA / #TRUMP2020 - #TRUMPWON Telegram: @Qpatriots1776TRUTH: @Qpatriots1776
A Conversation with Juan O Savin!
His real name is Wayne R. Willott from Washington State. He was the person who
regularly called in to Field’s radio show. Through Field’s help has mislead all his
radio listeners to believe Juan is JFK, JR. After Field’s arrest, Juan/Wayne started
calling in to other Q-anon YT creator content call in shows with high subscriber
base. Years before Q anon evolved (2017) Wayne was calling in as a guest on Doug
Hagmann & V-The Gorilla Economist radio shows. He is a private investigator,
particularly working injured employee surveillance in insurance investigations.
Evidence is publicly posted online with lawsuits listing him as a witness in Aetna
Ins investigation. Also google Marinka Peshmann, investigative journalist,
formerly with Canadian Free Press who filed a legal action against Hagman &
Steve Quayle, naming Willott as a witness source., then going by “W-THE