Former Twitter Namaste Howard Marks Rule your Mind or it will Rule you
Listen to this exchange between (R) Sen. Marshall, FDA Commissioner Woodcock and CDC Director Walensky while discussing vaccinations for children:
Senator Marshall: Dr Woodcock how many children under the age of 18 without a preexisting condition, a significant health condition have died from COVID in this country?
Dr. Woodcock: I don't have that at my fingertips, I'm sorry.
Dr. Walensky: ...oh, that I don't know.
Are these "doctors" so incompetent that they are pushing a vaccine for children without even knowing how healthy children are affected by COVID? Absolutely sickening. far, they've been pretty successful when you consider that if their lies hadn't killed 45,000 people (and COUNTING), they wouldn't be out there spinning more lies. THIS STOPS when people stop being so gullible and believing lies SPUN BY MAINSTREAM MEDIA.