Veteran, Constitutional Law, Equality. Restore Our Rights & Constitutional Laws • On TS as TheStormIsUponUs @TheStormIsUponUs

No matter what the CDC, NID and AMA say aymore they have all lost their creditability forever . They are all Captured businesses by the Deep State and taking their advice will get you killed. No matter what they may say ignore them and those who support them. Earlier today I posted trusted sources about CV19 Virus and the Deadly Vaxx. They never thought so many would die so early from adverse effects from the vaccine. They really sxcrewed up on that assumption. To late and now the wirld knows. The masses will be coming for you if you are part of any of these businesses along wuth MSM, and nany in government that the military will handle.

Staunch Conservative. Political activist. God loving Patriot. Proud Texan.

You do realize that spreading truth can cause informed decision making syndrome right??

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Staunch Conservative. Political activist. God loving Patriot. Proud Texan.
