Toughen up, eh? Each person will respond with the mental, physical, and emotional assets they have. Patriots will help other patriots/human beings.
There are those who can't help themselves, so I hope others will pitch in.
We still aren't being told the full truth here. If man creates these events, then hellfire will rain down on him. If God is, then all we can do is what we can and stare in awe.

The “Vaccines” were tainted at least twenty years ago and our children were harmed/ poisoned!!
Some of us have been fighting for a very long time!
How do people not realize that everything that the enemy of the people can damage has been?
Why do so many trust the MSM news?
What makes them worthy of our trust?
It is letting the thief into your home!
The same people that live in gated communities,have the best home security systems, and send their children to the most prestigious schools will watch MSM like it is their BFF.
People that worship satan are running our government!
This satan who was kicked out of heaven who demands human sacrifice!
Why do they feel sophisticated watching CNN?