"-168k ballots with calibration & bleed-through issues
-Printed off center on thin paper
-More Trump voters election day
-Previously DONT use sharpies
-Early voters DONT use sharpies
-Election day USE sharpies
-11.27% adjudication rate
-2% normal adjudication rate
-Adjudicated ballots duplicated
-Duplicates missing serial numbers
-Duplicates not paired with originals
-What was original voters intent?
What possible excuse is there for printing ballots on thinner paper?
Why would election officials tell early voters to use pens and election day voters to use sharpies?
How much did thin paper and sharpies contribute to the more than 550% increase in adjudicated ballots?
What possible excuse is there for thousands of duplicated ballots to be missing serial numbers?
There is no excuse.
This is pre-planned, pre-printed, coordinated election fraud."
From KanekoaTheGreat