πΊπΈ When President Trump walked IN FRONT of Queen Elizabeth
on 7-14-18, the world was outraged.
No one understood that in the labyrinthine tunnels
underneath Buckingham Palace
the most horrific, depraved & vomitus crimes against children
had been committed by Royal Family demon monsters
for centuries.
Buckingham Palace has been boarded up since 3-19-20.
Crews of Forensic Police are still going through
the disgusting palace wreckage for posterity.
βThe Queen Elizabeth II of England you see on TV,
is an actress/body double/look alike/actress
wearing 3D printed mask/ CGI.
The real Queen Elizabeth II of England has been executed
for crimes against humanity.
Elizabeth with her fake Royal Family Members
have also been stripped of their titles, power, authority, money,
and all assets seized.
The UK Royal Family headed by Elizabeth and Co are finished.β
~ Romana Didulo 6-29-21 π¨π¦
Head of State & Commander-in-Chief, Canada
Is she a Real White that have been put in place in Canada???
She state she has been place by the same people who place President Trump at the White House
How can we trust someone we haven't never meet so easily, and the first thing is she don't even speak French and there is a lots of French people in Canada
It's normal that people aren't confident with her after all we have been through since March 2020
We need more proof than that. .. President Trump should talk about her in a rallye telling we can trust Rmana Didulo