I know, I know but just saying
Q anon is a deep state pacification operation and@TrumpPatriotsRising is a prime example of the type of lazy useful idiot that's being duped by it.
He'd rather sit on the couch drinking Natty Ice than do the HARD WORK that will actually be required to save our country.
“Operation Trust” was a Bolshevik counterintelligence operation run from 1921 to 1926 aimed at neutralizing opposition by creating the false impression that a powerful group of military leaders had organized to stop the communists’ takeover.
The similarities with the Q-Anon “Trust The Plan™” psy-op are remarkable.
‘Q-Anon’ Bears Striking Resemblance to Bolshevik Psy-Op From 1920s Known As ‘Operation Trust’ – David Icke
Operation Trust was a Bolshevik counterintelligence operation run from 1921 to 1926 aimed at neutralizing opposition by creating the false impression that a powerful group of military leaders had organized to stop the communists' takeover. Here's an except on the Trust operation from p..
unity, love , people ,us is only whats going to save us ! q drops are a py op
we just need to look at the continue chaos and destruction for proof !