Only people mentioned by @mybalconygarden in this post can reply

Conspiracy is not just a theory when you have the facts! I've been gathering evidence for over 45 yrs. Built my first computer from scratch.

don't they realise what they got talked into? the penalty for this crime is not prison. And should not even be brought up. Tribunal. firing squad. Done. Globalists do you Still think it was worth it? Still think you have secrets?
WE HAVE IT ALL! The things you tried to keep in the dark are going to be in the spotlight, everyone is going to see your dirty laundry.
You should have took the other deal that gave you a chance.
and remember when you start whining about it. This is on you.
You did this. Knowingly. You left us no choice. I would not want to be you right now. But, I would not have done this anyway. Let's see here
Illuminati, enlightened, elite all words that used to mean something positive, now are just new ways to say retarded. It takes a special kind of stupid to be one of the globalists. Inbred too much maybe?
couldn't see far enough past the $$$ to know that you'll never get to spend it? Everything siezed, what are your prodigy going to do now?
Hopefully get r