Doing my part in helping restore freedom to America while kicking evil in the ass. Guided by God the Father, Jesus Christ & my ancestors!
Everything we’re seeing now is not for the Anons, its for the rest of the ones that are asleep.
Trump won.
but those that are sleeping are taking the vax.
its a movie! enjoy the show! how can anyone who isn’t a psychopath enjoy seeing loved ones and friends take a poison? Children guilt tripped not to hug their granny in case they kill them. every psychological trick is being played right now on the uk population.
And there is disinfo on both sides.
if i knew with certainty that there are cures for them then i could treat whats happening as an important lesson and be more dispassionate. Q said something like the american public would be safe. well they werent in the riots. so where does it leave the rest of the world?
Thank you though to all the whitehats fighting for our freedom.
i hope you really are blowing up their tunnels.
is this the necessary scare?

We have been lied to all the way around!!
Our savior is Jesus Christ!!
I am sure there are good people fighting but there is a bunch of lies going around too.
Do not give up hope because there is Pure Energy in the mix!
Do not look to any one person to have all the answers.

thank you happy days. i do have faith its what’s kept me going. i know disinfo is necessary and i am hoping for the best. i was reminded of Trump saying he had had to make a very difficult decision recently, said last year sometime. i wondered if it was the choice between rushed vax but not mandated or taking the usual time and more draconian lockdowns. at the time I thought it was about the children.
i wish he would give us a more obvious clue. ideally warp speed is about defeating the virus = defeating the cabal. something to put our minds at rest.
wishing for the best possible time line for this world.