ANNOUNCEMENT: Project Apario has been online for 11 days and in that time we've seen bombshells out of the Seth Rich files and a great response from the public. Already we are being censored by Cloudflare, and despite their best efforts, Project Apario has been seen by over 27,000 unique visitors who have spent an average of 2 minutes on the site, reading declassified records using StumbleInto™ and learning the secrets disclosed in the Seth Rich files.#NCSWIC Project Apario relies on your generosity to operate. You can voluntarily become an Apario Member by visiting to become an Apario Member. When you upgrade to be an Apario Member you are given voting rights to Proposals, the mechanism for the public to maintain the records in a manner that is transparent, accountable, and democraticaly governed. Thank you to the 69 Apario Members who have stepped up and helped fund this operation. Godspeed!