Praying That God Grant me the Courage to Battle all evil against ManKind. American Patriot, Husband, Father, PAWPAW.
does it seem that we the American people who are patriots have decided to agree with the cabal demorats. Now we have accepted the election scam sense the 2000 election and now again 2020. Trump will run in 2024 BS who cares if he runs in 2024???!!! he should be President Now. Why have we PATRIOTS not TRULY stormed Capital Hill and Take Back OUR AMERICA. PATRIOTS we keep giving in to satans army WHY are you waiting on GOD well if we are waiting and God has given us our way out but we still are not using it. Its called the Bill of Rights and the Constitution. WE have the 1st & 2A!!! BS Trump 2024, The Goal Post MOVING used to run day to day then week to week then month to month NOW they have moved it to 2024!!! WILL FREEDOMS ever again RING in AMERICA???????????
nothing in this post talks about moving the goalposts, so I don’t know where you get off with your comment nor do I understand what you mean by us believing that patriots storm the capital, and who is giving into Satan‘s army, there is a legal process that must take place in the constitution that must be followed, So your idea of shoot em up just isn’t gonna work
I used to think I knew who I was, but the last 10 years has taught me that I am so much more. I am a child of God and an American above all.
Just another of those “coincidences?”
Trained to Kill, Born to Save! Riding Shotgun with The Don while we smoke out the rats!