All things JFK Jr. Am not him. ;) Also on TS. This page does not believe JFK is still alive. But Jr. might be. Time will tell. Enjoy!
Someone in the chat asked, "Truth, please. Is John John alive?" But I didn't see an answer.😉
I believe JFK Jr is alive and I believe that he is Juan O Savin. It would take forever for me to tell you why I believe this. I first heard Juan O Savin do one of his "presentations" back towards the very end of 2018. Juan called in to the Field McConnell you tube show and Field treated him with such respect and let him "have the floor". Also Field Mcconnell told ud that Juan is JFK Jr. Since then I have listened to every Juan O Savin interview I can find. I also have received several copies of Juan O Savin's book, Kid By The Side of the Road. I believe his book title comes from the famous video of 3 year old JFK Jr dressed in tiffany blue and saluting his Father's casket as it went by him on the day of his Father's funeral, which was JFK Jr's third birthday.
All things JFK Jr. Am not him. ;) Also on TS. This page does not believe JFK is still alive. But Jr. might be. Time will tell. Enjoy!
I believed that too for a long time... And I'm not trying to sway you one bit. One of my good friends on here believes the same -- and I hope you both are right! It might sound silly, but what made me think differently was a video he recently had (can't even remember which one now) where he showed himself from the waist down while sitting in a chair. He legs weren't long enough to be John's! LOL. Well, that's what I thought anyway. Who knows? His hands don't look like his either (fingers not long enough, etc.), but I know there are "hand gloves," like masks for the face. But how can you fake long legs? Ha! Sigh. (I believed it was him ever since I heard him on Field's show.)
I guess the real question is, "How tall was JFK Jr in 1999?". JFK Jr was born in 1960. That makes him 60 years old. I am 73 years old and I have shrunk about 2 inches and I started out at about 5'3".
It's good to know that another JFK Jr fan knows who Field is.