Oath Taker, Fighter for Freedom, and lover of Jesus Christ, my Lord and Savior.
Today, a person who I considered a true friend and who I respected decided to take a post I shared about the "plan dem ic" and take it completely out of context and make it personal. This person, rather than reaching out to me, decided to make a post on their personal page, insinuating that I was an asshole because of the post I shared. I am far from being an asshole.
This person has known me for many years, and has known from the first day we met, that I stand up for what is right and speak about it. Sadly, this person felt it was better to delete me, than discuss the true intention behind my post. If only this person would have asked.
I share things because I truly care about what is going on in the world, the lies we have been told, and the complete manipulation and control that has and is currently taking place.
5 images showing A History Of US Secret Human Experimentation 🤬🤬🤬
We hold these truths to be self evident, all men are created equal, endowed by their creator with rights to life, liberty and happiness.
my family did the same thing to last week. The only difference was they did it in a group chat. One on one, not one person came to me with anything, they all just decided to make personal attacks where they all fed off each other in a group setting. I was totally caught off guard. These things hurt and hurt more when its your kids that attack you, all at the same time and you thought everything was fine because family is everything. We have no ther choice than to move on even if it means without them. I feel for you because I know it hurts deeply when someone you trusted proved your trust was very misguided.
I'm so sorry that you have experienced this too. It is very hard, and when the truth starts coming out we will be the ones they call.