Doing my part in helping restore freedom to America while kicking evil in the ass. Guided by God the Father, Jesus Christ & my ancestors!
Everything we’re seeing now is not for the Anons, its for the rest of the ones that are asleep.
Trump won.
Trump Won. Trump Wins. Trump keeps on Winning.
Haven't we heard that before?
We will get so sick of winning?
I needed to be taught how to win; I somehow thought that not winning showed that I was humble, a martyr.
but all along, we were more than Conquerers.
to him who OVERCOMES.....by the Blood of the Lamb and the word of her testimony....

Yes, Trump Won!

doesn't all of this satanic ritual put a whole new light upon Christ's words: You must eat my body that was broken for you. You must drink my blood that was spilled for you.
What How Where
to obtain HIS power. HIS righteousness.
Christ in me the hope of Glory. Colossians 1.