Like I said last week, Bill Cosby wasn’t released from prison for nothing. Everything is connected https://t.me/ShellShQck
Oh the twists and turns in this “movie”. Can’t wait for “That’s all Folks!”…🇺🇸

That makes two of us~!
You can only perceive that which you are a vibration of.
Read that again.
That means if you are here, you are here for a reason. We are not in this just to fight for an honest election.
We have a spiritual war going on. Internally as well.
Awakening is a shift in consciousness, and no one said it was going to be easy.
If you’re feeling uncomfortable, like you don’t belong, it’s because you don’t. You are here to help create a new world. Not live in the old one.
Have a good day frens
Semper Fi 🇺🇸👊🏽 https://t.me/ShellShQck